Thursday, March 24, 2011


I don’t know about everybody else but it always brings chills in my spine whenever it’s down to talking about the possibilities of a large part of African continent turning into a desert. Let alone the fact that my brain would not just accept the possibilities of this scary fact, I always want to believe that this is simply a scary nightmare that will end in paper and thoughts or just as a possibility but again things are not always as the way would want them to be or as we believe.
Looking at the facts surrounding me I know that the possibilities of African desert nightmare may come true tomorrow if we are all sitting being afraid yet not doing anything for a positive change. Looking around me, Tanzania has always been a beautiful green country to a large part, with rivers flowing all the year round and Mt.Kilimanjaro covered with snow.
Today big rivers are slowly turning to seasonal rivers and look at the top of Mt.Kilimanjaro, the snow is hardly there anymore. We can surely blame it on the global warming but that is not the solution. We have failed to love, appreciate and protect our ozone layer and now we are going to suffer for our irresponsibility directly and indirectly. Let’s lead a responsible life, selfish living promises nothing but misery and hardship. I don’t want my kids and my kid’s children to experience what we have and are experiencing, that is a beautiful nature by looking at the pictures of what it was and used to be.

We all love our hearts and appreciate the good work done daily in every single second that goes by pumping blood through the body. Let’s love our World, our Africa and our Tanzania like we love our hearts. Lets stop cutting trees like programmed robots, for every action that has to do with our environment lets think before we act. Let’s make sure that we have planted 50 trees before cutting down 10trees.
Lets make each day a trees day, lets make planting trees part of our life. Just as we love going for shopping or a day out with family and friends, let’s make sure that a month does not go by without planting a single tree.
If every company in Tanzania planted only about 100 trees yearly, this country will not only be beautiful it will have a country with life and a promise of tomorrow. That goes for the whole of Africa and the whole big wide world.

At XCAR,tanzanian rentals, we love nature and we are playing our part into making our enviroment a better place today and tomorrow

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dar es salaam city- Tanzania

With the population of about 5,500,000 people, Dar es Salaam is with no doubt the largest city in Tanzania resting next to the Indian Ocean. The known today Dar es Salaam comes with a hidden beauty of affection and experiences.
Both Arabs and European Colonialist fell in love with this city which was then called Mzizima to mean ‘ a healthy town’ because of its large harbor which served as a point of business to transport slaves and raw materials.
Sultan Majid bin Said,the Sultan of Zanzibar from Oman changed the name Mzizima to Darussalaam, meaning ‘’The Haven of Peace back in 18th century.( In Swahili this translates to ‘‘bandari ya salaam’’.) Majid had planned to make Darussalam the east African business center but his dreams came to an end when he died in 1870.
Albert Roscher a Germany who had arrived in Dar es Salaam in 1859, decided to build a station that would connect this city with other many potential cities for easy transportation in1887. With infrastructure in place, the city served as German administrative and commercial center in East Africa (Deutch Ost Africa). German colonial rule came to an end in Tanzania after the Second World War and the country was from there on under British rule but Dar es Salaam continued to serve as a commercial center of the territory.
Before Arabs and Colonialist came to Tanzania, Dar es salaam was inhibited by two tribes, namely Wazaramo(Zaramo) and Wandengereko(Ndengereko). During Arab time,people migrated from other parts of Tanzania to Dar es salaam for business reason as it then served as a trade center. During Germany Colonial time people found themselves in Dar es Salaam by force as they were brought as slaves on transit and those who were too weak in the market to interest buyers were left to engage in plantation activities.
Today Dar es Salaam is a city of diversity and probably the only city in Tanzania where one can find large numbers of tribes from all over Tanzania. Currently people migrate to Dar es Salaam form villages and other regions hoping to find better job opportunities. A large number of people from Asia, Europe, and other places have as well settled in Dar es Salaam for various reasons.
With no doubt Dar es Salaam is a beautiful city with multiple culture diversity, surrounded by beautiful sandy beaches and an interesting historical background from Arabs, Germans and finally British influence.
While in Dar-es-Salaam one can visit the seaport, Kariakoo (old market area), Best Hotel (built in1920's), Kaiserhof Hotel (now New Africa Hotel) and Sixty years old German building located at the junction of the Sokoine Drive and Azikiwe Street.
NATIONAL MUSEUM: At the National Museum you will see fossils from Oldupai Gorge, Mkwawa's cranium, handicrafts and many other things obtained from all over Tanzania.
The VILLAGE MUSEUM is also located inside the National Museum. The Village Museum depicts different styles of traditional housing from various regions.
THE OLD CHURCHES: You will also see one of the earliest Christian Churches built by Germans missionaries in the country, the Azania Front.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What about Nature?

Management and staff of XCAR realize the importance of giving back and doing things that benefits the society and the world at large.

Going green is the perfect solution in today’s atmosphere where global warming is certainly threatening man’s future in many ways. We are currently in the process of exploring possibilities of introducing green cars but until then we must engage in planting trees to ensure that we protect our planet from any further tribulations.

To cut down the gases and pollution caused by our cars, we have to plant 200 trees for every car that we own. This implies that, until the end of this year, we need to have planted about 8,600trees.

Planting trees is a step we are taking towards growing/planting XCAR forest. This forest will be opened to all our customers and public who want to spend a day in peace and tranquility.

Tree’s environmental benefits

Planting trees can be one of the best green things XCAR can do for the community considering what trees do to our environment. They provide food and homes for birds and squirrels, shade for the ground and oxygen for the atmosphere not to mention that trees get ride of carbon dioxide (a major green house gas) in the process of releasing oxygen.

Trees alter the environment in which we live by;

•Moderating climate- sun, wind and rain
•Improving air quality- filters the air we breath in buy removing dust
•Conserving water
•Harboring wildlife
If all companies in Tanzania planted about 20 trees in a year, our kids will be able to see and experience the beauty that their grandparents did. We can do away with man made deserts. Lets do something for a good course, 20 trees in a years for each company is what is asked of you....think about it

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tanzania in Pictures

A tree found in Serengeti, different can be beautiful, the time a picture is taken makes all the difference

For most people culture is something they read and try to understand, for Maasai, culture is everything. Maasai leads a way of life that even technology have failed to change. This is one strong tribe and probably the only one that holds its traditions and culture close to their hearts until today in the whole of Tanzania.
They are proud to be Maasai
The picture of the day

There is a beauty that comes with being in a dowh especialy during sunset, as the water sings softly, no matter how loaded ones head it…this will make you experiece the beuaty of life and nature…you will also learn to appreciate things as they are without comparing..

Baobab tree
If i was to nick name this tree i would simply come up with something like The Gentle Giant, because that is what i feel from looking at the tree. I am still trying to figure the gentle part of this tree but one thing is for sure, I love the baobab fruits

Kigamboni - Dar es salaam. Amazing blue warm waters and dry sand, Tanzania has truly been blessed with beautiful beachesBaobab tree

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bagamoyo Tanzania, where history marries relaxation and beauty

Founded in the 18th century, Bagamoyo remains the oldest town in the whole of Tanzania with a story that have failed many to conceal their emotions. Bagamoyo is a place of two faces and it will remain like that for as long as the universe stands.

The name Bagamoyo came from a Swahili word Bwagamoyo, in Swahili bwaga is to drop and moyo is a heart. Bagamoyo is a place where hearts of many by then sank or dropped for different reasons. As an important slave and ivory trade center in Tanzania, many slaves found themselves in Bagamoyo. Slaves carried Ivory from different places of Tanzania to Bagamoyo for shipping and upon reaching this place, slaves turned to an important commodity as well because they were sold to different people. Slaves taken from places where Ivory was not found were lucky because they did not have to go through the agony of carrying heavy ivories while chained, walking long distances with insufficient food and water.
Upon reaching Bagamoyo weak slaves lost their lives as they waited to be shipped, some were killed trying to escape. A good number of people who refused to accept or obey the German colonial rules were also hanged to death under a tree named Mti kunyonga (Swahili word that simply means a hanging tree) Today this tree is not there but a statue has been built to explain about the hanging tree.
Bagamoyo is a very unique place to visit and be as it blends history and beauty and truly sticks in the brain and lives in the heart. Beautiful sandy beaches in this small old town, of about 30,000 inhabitants provide a perfect hide out for relaxation and enjoyment and the past and present come together in harmony and love
Did u know that while in Bagamoyo besides touring the place and relaxing you can as well opt for Island hopping, scuba diving, and snorking?

Facts about Bagamoyo
• The Town of Bagamoyo is only about one hour and a half from Dar es salaam

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Serengeti National Park - Tanzania

The largest Tanzanian National park, known to many as Serengeti obtained its name from Maasai word Siringeti which means endless plain. The Maasai named this place after its given geographical landscape. Back in 1929 Serengeti was a game reserve where hunting was allowed just like it was in many other game reserves.Hunting and illegal poaching reduced a great number of animals and should it have continued, it is possible that Serengeti would have been a place of nothing else but few birds.

Today Ngorongoro stands as a conservation area but this was not the case back in 1929. Ngorongoro was part of Serengeti game reserve and for those who have had an opportunity to visit Serengeti would agree to the fact that, in reaching Serengeti one has to pass today’s Ngorongoro conservation area first.In 1951 when it was realized that animal’s lives in Serengeti were in peril as the result of hunting and illegal poaching, the game reserve was declared a national Park with the intentions of protecting the animals and environment surrounding them.

Ngorongoro Crater

Serengeti National Park

Converting Serengeti into a National park was a good step towards protecting the wild life but the plan was not a complete success due to the fact that Maasai people who used the Ngorongoro part to a large extent for grazing their cattle still used the area.By the year 1959, Ngorongoro area (now Ngorongoro conservation area) was separated from Serengeti National Park. This reduced the size of Serengeti National park to 14763km2 although it remained the largest national park in Tanzania followed by Ruaha National park.

A heart is sign of love that comes with a beautiful sign shared all over the world no matter cultural differences. Guess what, Serengeti has a heart of its own knows as Seronera, this is the center of the whole national Park.

Serengeti attractions

The wild life in Serengeti provides incomparable beauty of a kind that comes with amazing final touches of the Giant Nile Crocodiles and breath taking Serengeti Kopjes

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tanzania's hidden Eden

It is a true Eden that only few have been lucky to have seen it and few will live to see it, true Eden in the world that remains hidden; that is what crosses my mind whenever thinking of this place.

Located in Tanzania, Bagamoyo region only about 3hours drive from Dar es Salaam city, Saadani National Park offers a true marriage of a kind where Palm trees sway in a cooling oceanic breeze as the white sand and blue ocean water ties forever note, to the tropical bush where lions and other many animals call home.

Where else in the world would you find monkeys and lions resting on the white sand beach that happens to be their natural environment? I am tempted to think that, the most romantic lions on the planet lives here but again, a lion will always be a lion

Facts about Saadani National Park

•Bordering the Indian ocean in Tanzania
•Size: 1,1000sq km(430)miles
•Lies in the historic triangle of Bagamoyo, Pangani and Zanzibar

Special features

Saadani offers the option of boat drive game viewing, which in it self is incredible and unique as the boat pushes through the mangrove trees, lined along Wami River providing a chance of sighting hippos, crocodiles and a selection of marine and riverside birds including mangrove kingfisher and lesser flamingo. The beach is decorated with green turtle breeding sites that reveal the beauty of a kind

Let XCAR rentals be your partner in this amazing journey of exploring what Tanzania has to offer. Give us a chance to bring you smiles in your face…today and tomorrow..

We change to stay the same

Explore endlesly..for fun..knowledge.. and love for nature

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Through Tanzania with XCAR

Tanzania, one of the largest countiries in Africa, as it has been called many times, truly remains the land of Serengeti, Kilimanjaro(Africa’s highest peak) and Zanzibar. A trip to Tanzania is like a walk into the belly of life as you join one of the world’s largest wildest animal population. The country has been blessed with beautiful sand beaches,spectacular land scape,various National parks and Zanzibar isle, the land of spices. Tanzania lies on the east cost of Africa, between 1 and 11 degrees south of Equator.

Did you know;

Tanzania has located 25% of its total area to wildlife national parks and game reserves