I don’t know about everybody else but it always brings chills in my spine whenever it’s down to talking about the possibilities of a large part of African continent turning into a desert. Let alone the fact that my brain would not just accept the possibilities of this scary fact, I always want to believe that this is simply a scary nightmare that will end in paper and thoughts or just as a possibility but again things are not always as the way would want them to be or as we believe.
Looking at the facts surrounding me I know that the possibilities of African desert nightmare may come true tomorrow if we are all sitting being afraid yet not doing anything for a positive change. Looking around me, Tanzania has always been a beautiful green country to a large part, with rivers flowing all the year round and Mt.Kilimanjaro covered with snow.
Today big rivers are slowly turning to seasonal rivers and look at the top of Mt.Kilimanjaro, the snow is hardly there anymore. We can surely blame it on the global warming but that is not the solution. We have failed to love, appreciate and protect our ozone layer and now we are going to suffer for our irresponsibility directly and indirectly. Let’s lead a responsible life, selfish living promises nothing but misery and hardship. I don’t want my kids and my kid’s children to experience what we have and are experiencing, that is a beautiful nature by looking at the pictures of what it was and used to be.

We all love our hearts and appreciate the good work done daily in every single second that goes by pumping blood through the body. Let’s love our World, our Africa and our Tanzania like we love our hearts. Lets stop cutting trees like programmed robots, for every action that has to do with our environment lets think before we act. Let’s make sure that we have planted 50 trees before cutting down 10trees.
Lets make each day a trees day, lets make planting trees part of our life. Just as we love going for shopping or a day out with family and friends, let’s make sure that a month does not go by without planting a single tree.
If every company in Tanzania planted only about 100 trees yearly, this country will not only be beautiful it will have a country with life and a promise of tomorrow. That goes for the whole of Africa and the whole big wide world.

At XCAR,tanzanian rentals, we love nature and we are playing our part into making our enviroment a better place today and tomorrow