Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What about Nature?

Management and staff of XCAR realize the importance of giving back and doing things that benefits the society and the world at large.

Going green is the perfect solution in today’s atmosphere where global warming is certainly threatening man’s future in many ways. We are currently in the process of exploring possibilities of introducing green cars but until then we must engage in planting trees to ensure that we protect our planet from any further tribulations.

To cut down the gases and pollution caused by our cars, we have to plant 200 trees for every car that we own. This implies that, until the end of this year, we need to have planted about 8,600trees.

Planting trees is a step we are taking towards growing/planting XCAR forest. This forest will be opened to all our customers and public who want to spend a day in peace and tranquility.

Tree’s environmental benefits

Planting trees can be one of the best green things XCAR can do for the community considering what trees do to our environment. They provide food and homes for birds and squirrels, shade for the ground and oxygen for the atmosphere not to mention that trees get ride of carbon dioxide (a major green house gas) in the process of releasing oxygen.

Trees alter the environment in which we live by;

•Moderating climate- sun, wind and rain
•Improving air quality- filters the air we breath in buy removing dust
•Conserving water
•Harboring wildlife
If all companies in Tanzania planted about 20 trees in a year, our kids will be able to see and experience the beauty that their grandparents did. We can do away with man made deserts. Lets do something for a good course, 20 trees in a years for each company is what is asked of you....think about it

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